Samo najbolji, odabrani recepti!!!

ponedjeljak, siječnja 26, 2015

Kokos Truffles / Coconut Truffles

Potrebno za kokosovo mlijeko*:
60 gr kokosa
1 šolja vrele vode
za truffles:
od 60-80 gr kokosa
200 gr bijele čokolade
1 kašika maslaca
i još:
kokos za valjanje
Za kokosovo mlijeko, u sjeckalici, multipraktiku ili blenderu pomješajte kokos i vodu i ostavite par minuta. Izblendirajte, a zatim procjedite kroz gustu gazu.
Za truffle vam treba otrpilike 100 ml kokosovog mlijeka. Ako dobijete više, slobodno stavite, a poslije povećajte količinu kokosa.
Pomješajte kokosovo mlijeko, kokos, usitnjenu čokoladu i maslac i stavite na srednju vatru da se sve istopi i izjednači. Ne smije da proključa. Sklonite sa vatre, ohladite u stavite u frizider na minimum 4 sata. Nakon toga, izvadite masu i ako ste stavili više mlijeka i procjenite da se masa neće stisnuti, dodajte još kokosa.
Oblikujte male bombice koje uvaljate u kokos. Držite ih u frižideru.

Coconut Truffles

Ingredients for the coconut milk*:
60gr coconut flakes
1 cup of hot water
for the truffles:
60 - 80gr coconut flakes
200gr white chocolate (the best possible)*
1 tbsp butter
and :
coconut for rolling
For the coconut milk, put the coconut flakes and water in a blender and let stand for a couple of minutes. Blend and then strain it trough a thick gauze.
For the truffles you will need about 100ml of coconut milk. But if you have made some more, put it all, just increase the amount of coconut later.
Mix the milk, coconut flakes, chopped chocolate and butter in a saucepan. Heat over a middle high heat until everything is melted. Do not let it boils. Remove from the heat, cool and chill for at least 4 hours. After that, take it out from the fridge and if it is still too runny add some more coconut. Shape it into a small balls and roll into a coconut. Keep them in a fridge, although I prefer them on a room temperature.